Location: Ohio, United States

Former school teacher, home educator, mother of three, and genealogist. Many graduate courses in education. Attorney and counselor at law.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

No Pre-trial diversion for certain drug offenders

I hope I am truly wrong and going down the wrong path. I recently discovered that in Ohio, a person accused of a F3 drug possession charge cannot get pre-trial diversion treatment because people are automatically excluded if they are accused of committing a violation of Ohio Revised Code chapter 2925. That code deals with drug offenses.

However, if the person is charged with a marijuana offense, they can get treatment. Drunk drivers get this special treatment, but other drug offenders do not! So, lightweight and socially acceptable stuff like alcohol and marijuana get special treatment. Have a steroid use problem? Solve the problem yourself, and be sure to get yourself out of jail on bail to do it.

So, what can I do for a client who wants drug treatment, and is sitting in jail because the client cannot afford bail? Nothing!



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