Location: Ohio, United States

Former school teacher, home educator, mother of three, and genealogist. Many graduate courses in education. Attorney and counselor at law.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Second Amendment protects individual right

Finally, we are talking about the Second Amendment again in the good old USA. Perhaps this time we will get it right.

As you may recall, the recent debates about gun control and the right to bear arms has centered on whether the right to bear arms is only associated with the right to have a militia.

Well, a most unexpected court has determined (for the time being, at least) that this right is an individual right, not a collective or state right. Can you imagine that the right to free speech was only a collective or state right, not an individual right?

law firm that handled this matter has all of the the pleadings from this case on its website. Thank you, Gura and Possesky.

Anyway, I am pleased. I am not a constitutional scholar, but I have always thought (even though I really am repelled by handguns) that the right had to be an individual right, not a collective right.

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