Location: Ohio, United States

Former school teacher, home educator, mother of three, and genealogist. Many graduate courses in education. Attorney and counselor at law.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Central Michigan University Students May Discriminate on the Basis of Politics

On a few occasions during the past four years, I have noted that a ploy to destroy some college student organizations comes from within. What? You ask? Well, if a person is an "outsider" to any given organization, and really, really dislikes the message/dogma/political message, etc. of that organization, the "outsider" can join the organization and try to change things from the inside.

I first heard of this type of tactic way back in 1974 from a man I was dating at the time. Apparently, it is an effective technique.

Yesterday, Central Michigan University revised its policy that banned ideological and political groups from discriminating (via membership) on the basis of political persuasion." How this works: a libertarian group can now require that its members be libertarians. Or, perhaps more importantly, the board of the campus Republican club can now insist that its members be Republicans, not Democrats, or Green Party, or whatever.

However, I could not find any mention of this decision on the University's website.

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