Location: Ohio, United States

Former school teacher, home educator, mother of three, and genealogist. Many graduate courses in education. Attorney and counselor at law.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Only One Principal Use

Here's a novel idea. Run organizations (i.e. churches) out of town via another method: zoning ordinances. I remember that porn parlors were handled this way. But churches? Oh, because the church use of the school on Sundays was defined as a "principle use." Thus, was in violation of the ordinance.

Anyway, in Richland Township of Quakertown, Pennsylvania, the township has an ordinance that forbids multiple use of a building (school and church) without a variance even when the property is zoned for both purposes! Since when do the zoning people and the ordinance people not communicate?

I can give the city council the benefit of the doubt and go find the original reason why a variance is needed for multiple uses of a school property. Surely community groups need not apply for a variance when they use the school grounds for a community fund-raising fair or a softball or soccer game.

For now, the township has agreed to change its ordinance so that the church can rent the school property on Sundays without a variance.

I was unable to find the offending ordinance on this
website. I'll go back and check it later.


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