Location: Ohio, United States

Former school teacher, home educator, mother of three, and genealogist. Many graduate courses in education. Attorney and counselor at law.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Tracking Citizen Communication with Executive Branch Officials

Well, Congress may be doing it again. They are trying to interfere with the free exchange of information and opinions. Of course, it all depends on the definition of the term "significant contact." There is a current cry about all individual citizens and their comments to the government being tracked because all citizens will be defined as lobbyists. Actually, upon reading the text of the proposed legislation, it is citizens who contact the executive branch, not legislative, that will be tracked.

I see this is a way to build more employment opportunity in the executive branch and the Office of Government ethics. Their respective reporting and reviewing duties will grow as a result of this legislation. More taxpayer funds might go "down the tube" to see what individual citizens, oh, yeah, lobbyists, are saying to the Executive branch.

So, what is the definition of "significant contact"? And why, only, the Executive Branch? Is there not some influence peddling in the Legislative Branch?

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