Truckers Are Set to Voice Their Opinion
In the wake of an interesting "international" - err - should I say "national" decision to allow truckers from a neighboring county (here, Mexico) to travel deeper in to the United States (or perhaps all the way through to Canada), U.S. truckers are going to protest.
Imagine that! They are taking their time and money (and time is money in that industry) and are going to Washington D.C.
But why?
Well, they expect that truckers and trucking firms from Mexico are going to undermine the wages (about $.47 a mile around here) that U.S. truckers earn. Outsourcing within our own boundaries. Oh, yeah, I forgot! President Bush wants this. Oh, well. I suppose that what he wants, he will get, no matter the consequences to US citizens.
The taxpayers will likely be paying for the unemployment benefits of a whole lot of truckers. Who cares about that? After all, we consumers (taxpayers) will also be paying less for all our goods - after all, shipping costs are quite a huge part of the price of each and every item that we buy.
Of course, there is also the issue of the road worthiness and safety of the trucks coming from Mexico. But, perhaps, this issue will be solved by charging all the suppliers less money to ship stuff, and more stuff will be shipped, and costs to maintain trucks will be less, etc, etc, etc.
Anyway, U.S. truckers are planning to drive around state capitols and the US Capitol, slowly.
Just keep on trucking!
Labels: academic freedom, censorship, education, First Amendment, individual rights
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