Location: Ohio, United States

Former school teacher, home educator, mother of three, and genealogist. Many graduate courses in education. Attorney and counselor at law.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Education Classes and Indoctrination

Many years ago, while I was taking classes to become a school teacher (post-graduate classes), I thought most of the classes were stupid and not terribly helpful. (Note, this castigation does NOT apply to my graduate classes at ETSU or EMSU.)

The only kind of indoctrination that I felt we received was essentially thus: smart kids will always be able to take care of themselves (so do not worry about them), and slow or uninterested students are the most important people in the world. Oh, and we can feed those students uninteresting and intellectually insulting material in order to teach them basic skills at the secondary school level.

Apparently today, that kind of indoctrination is unnecessary, and now the new indoctrination of educators is much more important socially and economically: the current message is that Marxism is good and perpetual revolution against the capitalist system is necessary to achieve social justice. Never mind that the taxpayer dollars that go to support public education come from the capitalist system. Never mind that a number of these academic training sessions come from consummately successful capitalists. Pigs. I forgot.

As a former teacher in a ghetto in a western state, I am offended by the notion that the topic of social justice warfare is more important that the study of higher mathematics and

I suppose that one reason I left K-12 public education was associate with social justice: the "man" wanted me to feed pablum to my kids, and I had to be a wee bit discreet and had to "buck orders" in order to give my kids the best possible education I could give them: to become readers at the ripe old age of 14 years old.

I personally think that teaching students how to read, to compute, and how to think though problems addresses more social injustice than any of the "social injustice" training that modern day educators must undergo.



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