Location: Ohio, United States

Former school teacher, home educator, mother of three, and genealogist. Many graduate courses in education. Attorney and counselor at law.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Nothing to Say

Actually, I have had nothing much to say in the last few days. I have been at trial. All that has been necessary to say has been said there.

However, while driving south from Newark to Lancaster on Thursday, I saw some artful wording on the back of a small SUV in front of me. I had time to read and examine the writing because we were in stop-and-go traffic due to a school zone.

Anyway, the writing on the SUV said "If it is too loud, then your too old." Yes, there was an incorrect use of a word. I was thrilled! I suppose the owner of the SUV intended to slam those who complain about the driver's loud music (i.e. the artful use of an automobile as a boom box).

The driver of the SUV was playing his music a wee bit too loud, but I did not find that offensive or irritating. However, I REALLY wanted to quickly create a beautiful font, print it out on sticky plastic, and get out of my car and paste my message on his car.

The message? I had no clue! I wanted to slam the improper use of "your" instead of "you're" or "you are." Something witty, to the point, and not too offending.

What did I come up with? Nothing!

Any suggestions out there in blog land?

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