Location: Ohio, United States

Former school teacher, home educator, mother of three, and genealogist. Many graduate courses in education. Attorney and counselor at law.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Prosecutors Develop List of Problem Police Officers

This, out of Seattle, Washington, earlier today: the prosecutors are developing a list of police officers who have caused problems for the prosecution through their incompetence or lack of credibility.

I think this is very good. It is truly a problem when the defense attorney is the one that successfully impeaches a police officer's credibility. The prosecution is left with a real difficult problem, one that they did not anticipate.

I am all for a real battle at trial between worthy adversaries who are trying an issue that reasonable minds can have conflict about. But, I hate it when either or both sides are tripped by outside nonsense.

Police officers are fond of saying that all criminals lie. Maybe so. But do all police officers always tell the entire truth? Virtually no human being does that, I think. Most police officers are honest and try to do the right thing. That, I firmly believe.

But, I also know that personal bias, history, and just simple anger, can creep into an individual officer's mind and practice, just as they do in regular people's daily activities. Only, we hold police officers to a higher standard. Just so.


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