Location: Ohio, United States

Former school teacher, home educator, mother of three, and genealogist. Many graduate courses in education. Attorney and counselor at law.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Army We Have

Given that my husband is a recently retired U.S. Army Reservist, I am interested in things pertaining to the military. My father, my uncle, and a number of other important people in my life served in various wars. To their credit.

So, I found it interesting today when I read that upwards of 70% of American young people are not eligible to join the Army. Gadzooks! I ventured further into the article and discovered why that is the case: Parental neglect.

No, not the sort of neglect that would lead to Social Services employees to take the kids away. Nope. Just plain, old, non-attention and sloppy parenting of the usual variety.

I sure hope we do not have to defend ourselves from our enemies any time soon. My husband will be too old to do anything except help our neighbors defend ourselves. Oh, yeah, loaded guns are mostly illegal now. Hmmmm. Shall we use our handy, dandy walking sticks? Or the baseball bat?

Perhaps I am becoming pessimistic. Yeah, that must be it.

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