Location: Ohio, United States

Former school teacher, home educator, mother of three, and genealogist. Many graduate courses in education. Attorney and counselor at law.

Friday, June 29, 2007

New Virus

My husband received a virus warning from one of his employer, IBM. The heading on the virus is from the US Department of Justice and states a complaint number, a date of the complaint, and "contact information" for the recipient.

This virus appears to be a .doc. My husband's connection at IBM said he opened it up on his Blackberry, and discovered that it was not a .doc, but a virus, thus saved (potentially) his IBM issued laptop from viral infection.

Funny thing, the message starts with "Dear citizen, A complaint has been filled (sic) against your company in regards to the business services it provides. The complaint was filled (sic) by Mr. Henry Stewart on 6/19/2007/ and his been forwarded to us and the IRS."

I hate to admit it, but it I were in business (other than as a law firm), I would probably open the email and click on the attachment. Shame on me!


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